Our Story

How it all started...

Located in Springfield, Massachusetts, Champion City is a minority and veteran-ran 501c3 religious nonprofit founded by a husband and wife team, Dominique Fryar and Niecey Fryar. They begin following God's call over their life by engaging in marriage ministry while Pastor Dom was an active duty Sergeant in the United States Army. They hosted several families in their homes and went on marriage retreats assisting the military Chaplains during the military "Strong Bonds Retreats." Pastor Dom was actively involved with post ministry and held several bible studies every week at the local Chapels. The Bible studies grew from 6-8 people to over 60 people attending weekly. Also, while deployed to Afghanistan, Pastor Dom was a member of the base ministry team, where he helped teach Men's Bible Studies. This ministry grew into a weekly church service held at the Bagram Air Force Base Chapel. The weekly service grew into a revival where people were standing outside the base chapel to hear the gospel. This ministry experience sparked a passion for family ministry and encouraged Pastor Dom that God truly can work anywhere.  

After returning home to Springfield, MA, and after two deployments and 15 years in the military, Pastor Dom and Niecey wanted to continue their work helping families and marriages. After learning that Springfield was one of the most post-Christian cities in America, Pastor Dom felt the call to do something about it. Pastor Dom and Niecey have five children; Pastor Dom is an licensed and ordained Elder in the Church of God in Christ; he is also a John Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member as a leadership facilitator, teacher, trainer, and coach. Niecey is a Spelman graduate, graduating with her Bachelors of Arts in Psychology. She is also a very experienced and multi-talented Social Services professional, working with the state of Connecticut, assisting children and families. She gives of herself constantly as she volunteers for different organizations within the community, and is truly a gift to the body of Christ in her natural ability to manage operation, and her ability to make complex task simple.

With their formal training and ministry backgrounds, they wanted to create a nonprofit organization encompassing faith, family, and community; Champion City was born (Incorporating in 2021).

 Champion City is championed by faith, known by love and a voice that empowers believers to live an impactful life.


Champion City Springfield is a nonprofit, 501c3 Christian ministry  focusing on youth and family. We have several programs and services available focusing on youth and family enrichment:

Our ministries:

Beyond the Vows
Covenant Leaders
Courageously Coping
Veteran Coffee House


  • Champion City was founded on four pillars faith, family,  Community  and Leadership.
  • Our ministries focus on families, marriages, leadership and veterans within Springfield, Massachusetts and the surrounding cities.


Thinking about sponsoring a program or giving to the ministry?
Attend one of our Vision Nights to learn how you can be a part of the Champion City Team